Practice Math Using Pictures

This article is about “Teaching Math Using Pictures”

Random pictures from your daily life can be a catalyst for thinking!
Pictures have always been an excellent visual aid for building literacy and vocabulary skills…What Math can you teach using pictures?

Lets explore!  Make Math more engaging sessions from now on…

Quite apparent that some topics in math like Data handling needs pictures or images to build the concept concretely. I personally feel, there is a necessity to involve more pictures in every other session of Math.Find below some of my ideas.

Please feel free to try them out in you classroom as well.I have attached few photographs that are from our daily life.Let’s see how Math can be taught and practiced at primary level using these as resources in Math sessions. 


1.This picture was taken in Zac’s Zumba class last Saturday.Which child has created an acute angle using his hand and trunk of his body? Identify and circle him.

toy wooden blocks, multicolor building construction bricks 2.In the collection of 3D shapes packet sold in Toys R Us ,which other 3D shapes did the shop keeper forgot to place in?


3. Anu’s daddy bought this new open shelf to stack formal shoes,sports shoes and organize them.If every slot can have three pairs, how many pairs can this open-shelf accommodate?


4. This is the picture of Mr. Remo’s house. How many triangles can you spot and how many rectangles can you spot? Turn and Talk to your partner.

Well, I strongly believe by using pictures or ideas from real life Math teaching and solving problems based on them is going to be fun.

                           Pictures might turn out to be a motivation factor too!

Please click on the link for more images and the concepts that can be taught using them.


Hope you try them and share your thoughts and experiences too!

Awaiting your responses…

Sudha Mahesh,Primary teacher