In Language teaching…Accuracy follows Fluency

If you have been reading my articles regularly, you would have realized by now , I strongly believe in sharing of classroom ideas with co-teachers. This approach, according to me vitalizes teachers, who may  at times run out of ideas or resources. Many a times teachers might come across similar kind of learners in her/his class.Hence I reiterate the same thought once again here, teachers need to develop the habit of sharing for mutual benefit.

It is necessary that we teachers showcase open minded attitude,absorb things,apply the appropriate ones to maximize learning in students and minimize our effort. Most of the teacher training workshop that we attend during our service enhances our skill.

for blog march

As I mentioned in one of my previous articles(Teaching style->Learning style->Student attainment) ,though the content may remain the same, the style in which we teach needs to be revisited often to suit the learner group that we handle. I have personally experienced this and realized that there is always more than one way to reach the child.

In this week’s article I am sharing with all of you, what I had observed and absorbed from a language teaching workshop held in Chennai. I have tried them in my class sessions as well, with 30 learners in one class.

Have a look at the presentation.Click the link below

Learnings from ELT workshop (1).

Do share if you have tried any of these in your classrooms. Also would like to hear from all of you whether you could employ some techniques.

Power point  created by Sudha Mahesh; Image courtesy: google