Nostalgic Moments We Cherish…

'If the school can send in substitute teachers, how come we can't send in substitute students?'

Every teacher will have some amusing moments  they always cherish in their memories.This week, I wanted to share a few of those which will bring back a smile in your face.


It’s those moments that make their day lighter despite a physically and mentally demanding job that they do.

There are few events that all of us, as teachers can relate to that are vivid in our memories. I’m sure as you read, you will recall those events which made you smile or laugh out loud. There is some common gene that runs in all of us which makes us behave similarly in any of the given situation.

        Sharing a  few of those moments here…

  1. The moment we receive an informal message from our colleague, “SCHOOL MAY DECLARE HOLIDAY DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER…. I am sure we will all be waiting for a confirmation from the school that assures holiday for Teachers too 🙂

And we plan to do The REST of the grading;The REST of the housework;The REST of the laundry, etc 

  1. When we were really involved in transacting with the children, some one enters with a school circular with a few sentences printed on it. They seek your signature on it after reading it. As you would  want to ward them off, you sign it as quick as possible without noticing it’s content. Finally, you get to know at the end of the day , “you have accepted to do an OUTDOOR DUTY IN PLAY GROUND OR MAINTAIN DISCIPLINE NEAR SCHOOL CANTEEN FOR THE REST OF THE WEEK!!!” After all, your read it and accepted. Isn’t it ?!?!


3. While we land up on our own student  during our weekend shopping ! Well, here is a small twist. If the student is a high school student, they would act as if they never saw us or simply they don’t recognize us. If it’s a primary school kid, the scene is different. They shout at the top of their voice greeting us good morning or good evening with much delight. We end up having a mini parent conference with ‘that’ parent whom we always had in ‘that’ special list.

  1. Then, there is this moment when the admin says ‘there are new set of resource books at the library, you may check out  for your reference’. As soon we hear, we wish no other teacher is aware of it. We try to grab that opportunity immediately to make our job easier for the rest of the year. We scroll through pages, book after book and we think, “I can prepare better worksheet for my students”. Then, we don’t mind others grabbing it. At times, we even volunteer to go and announce it to every body.


5. That moment when it’s the SCHOOL DAY coming up in a few weeks, Oh My God! Any song that we hear, in any tune, in any language , we think it’s  composed for our kids only! Tunes keep lingering and we start imagining our kids in to those scenes. We try matching every child’s face in the roles and then image after image flashes in our mind. We choose the best of the best song, best of the best costume for our kids .. or so, we think :-). We think, we own the best theater group in the world during those days. And to top it all on that day of program, we don’t mind doing dance, performing actions and even speak the dialogues and all from where??? From the back stage and on the sides… If only some one video taped that and showed us, we would laugh out loud for the rest of our lives.

6.That moment when we decide DRESS CODE FOR TEACHERS, for the school day event. That’s the spirit in teachers. We want to enjoy the special day when our kids are going on stage to perform. The best part in this is, ALL TEACHERS WORK BACK STAGE, WHERE THERE IS NO SCOPE FOR VISIBILITY OR to even receive compliment for that special attire.

  1. That moment when we write on the classroom board without noticing a mistake in spelling or a grammatical error. Sometimes, we even miss a word as we talk and write simultaneously.That one child whom we always have kept in control, points it out clearly. I am sure most of us will manage that scene too. If not try this technique, “I knew it was an error, I was waiting for one of you to find it out!!!”



8.That moment when teachers have to take help from the student to go out and fetch some thing from another class. You realize it’s almost 30 minutes since you had requested. Finally, the class turns out be story time, listening to all that happened to that student “on the task” of helping you!

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The list of “Teacher’s special moments” goes on and on.

There are occasions when we encounter weirdest doubts like this…

'What's our exit strategy?'

Haven’t you had such experiences ? Well,I am sure we all would have had and cherished them too.If any of you want to share with all of us those special feelings and moments, which makes  us posses that special “Teacher’s Gene”, please leave your comments. Let us share those memories with each other and get nostalgic.