A 360 Degree-Amplify the Cause and Effect

Happy to share… the launch of my second book!

The book is all about how to build successful schools. Will academic excellence alone do?

What are the other parameters that we need to focus. A insight in to these and more.

This books emphasizes a 360 Degree approach when it comes to founding, functioning and operating schools.

What role does the vision and mission have to do? The pillars that supports the schools in long run.

You can find the book listed on all leading online platforms. Available in both paper back format and as e book.

Happy reading!

Welcome your thoughts and feedback.

Follow the blog for more posts and articles on students, schools, education, innovative teaching and many such things associated to enhance teaching and Learning space!

Sudha Mahesh

reach out to me @sudhamc97@gmail.com

Adaptation- Key to success

A chance to change & create a curriculum

Welcome the move taken by #MHRD# to reduce the syllabus for CBSE 10th and 12th, 2020-21. ( CBSE –Central board of Secondary Education, India)


On the similar lines I hope and trust all school leaders irrespective of the board can rationalize the syllabus for next year and even the following year for grades 1 to 8.

There was a buzz going on around training workshop on How to conduct online class; which platform is the best? What sites can be used and what tools can be used to keep students involved in class. To name a few platform Skype, zoom, Google classroom, G meet, M teams and many more…

Few apps that helped teachers Ed puzzle, quiz let, mentimeter, jam board and a lot more.

All the above said were addressing and helping teachers to seamlessly conduct class using the same syllabus and topics of printed framework that was given at the beginning of the year.

When some teachers gave tips that my lesson plans goes to trash. It does not work anymore in this sudden change to online learning mode. They were absolutely right! So where should the change be?

How about a New Covid Curriculum design at this stage! 

It should be in the syllabus, in the designing of curriculum, in framing of newer objectives for learning and teaching. The focus on apps, platform and training on online teaching comes later.

Keeping in mind, the skill development as focus area and planning lessons around that will be a welcome move in the interest of students.

Lessons that weave around skill development can be transacted. A collaborative effort volunteered by the leaders in school will be the prime factor behind this move. And, education has always been a collaborative space.

Another way could be PBL-Project Based Learning which is highly flexible yet engaging. Yet another learning model that will aptly suit these times… Theme based learning.

When we as adults and as educators know that actual life is dynamic and we seldom can be rigid in all our operations and planning, Can’t the curriculum that we design wean off this rigidity at least now, using COVID as an opportunity?

These thoughts aroused when I heard and saw that the subjects based, content driven time tabled sessions are given precedence by and large everywhere at this juncture. Unit test and cycle tests scheduled!

Agreeable that face to face sessions cannot be replaced by the online/virtual sessions, when it comes to effectiveness and measuring the learning outcomes.

We cannot equate the online session’s model with face to face in all aspects and neither can we equate it to Distance learning module’s effectiveness. There is a difference in Emergency Remote learning and Distance learning modules which are curated and produced with enough time spent on them.

Given this scenario, what is adopted now is in the vested interest of students, mainly to keep their mind engaged in acquisition of new learning as well as recapitulation of long term memory data on whatever was learnt so far.

Entire education theories are research based and I am sure there will be yet another theory gearing up for the generations coming up… Theory based on Emergency Remote learning- The Pros and Cons, the model for ERT.

Can there be lessons and learning where the previous instances of history similar to this situation are researched upon and learning outcomes derived out of that?

Will any school be working on creating contents based on Spanish flu, lessons from that, contents about ancestors who worked in alternate medicines, lessons on pros and cons of Globalization, Is technology a boon?  Et al

Will there be special focus on lessons on vaccinations, successful eradication of polio In India, What were the government strategies in doing so?

Will there be more focus on Data analysis and evaluation in Math? Will social science lessons focus on Technology and medical advancements? Hope there are value based sessions on hospitality and resilience. There is lot more we can transact in class in the name of content and still be sensible.

Can there be a total shift for students until middle school, to learn in context to local community and country.

Can we think of cashing in the current situation?  I am aware that there are pockets of schools and institutions that are trying to evolve in their pattern of conducting these online classes open minded and ready to take the feedback.

While there are many more who are ignorant or overwhelmed with this unprecedented outburst of pandemic. It will be great to hear if many schools have thought on similar lines and are doing soJ.

Any new approach in teaching space that was not done before but has shown visible engagement and growth is an innovative approach. Forums and school groups must come forward to share with one another.

Educators are always appreciated for farsightedness. We have been steering it successfully so far. No doubts!

Can the school leaders pioneer such move, use the Covid- lockdown as a platform, put a stop to usual structures of compartmental studies and take a different perspective of how learning and education must take place.

Make students feel we have an edge over all other batches. We learnt differently. We learnt skills, we moved away from our pre-printed text books and fixed topics of that particular grade, but we learnt.

We are the COVID BATCH of students! We did not simulate problems for design thinking projects but we lived through it! We ideated solutions.

And last, but not the least, Parent communities must allow the schools and leaders to try and experiment newer approaches and models. Trust them when the school attempts to shift and recreate the success recipe for students.

Acknowledgements: Google pics

Intrinsic Vs Extrinsic Motivation

Motivation-  let me start with simple terms.

Today, I am motivated to write my personal thoughts and opinions through my blog, I am motivated intrinsically:) !

The word “Motivation” keeps lingering in an atmosphere like school, that students and educators could probably just overlook the in-depth meaning in this.

This motivation can arise out of external factors or internally due to passion, a drive to accomplish and due to clarity in setting self- goals.

In my opinion, every new-born has innate motivation, the cause for the toddler to talk and a baby to crawl. Even as an adult to grow successfully in the life there must be motivation towards a goal. No human can escape this – The Motivation either need based or through personal interest.

With diversity as the foundation for schools, students from different background, different exposure and different innate abilities gather under one roof. It does become an inevitable task for mentors to identify the levels, attend to, give nudge to all those individuals to grow at their pace; the goal is learning graph must grow.

With all these appearing daily, how do we identify which motivation is long lasting and is motivating from external force is a farce?

In general, External motivation like rewards, appraisals et al do not contribute to personal growth.They are always done for short term period and focused on benefits rather than change in personality or refinement in one’s self and excitement arising out of that change.

In a school scenario, when you talk to teacher, we may find numerous such instance they employ to make a student complete a task, an activity or even the normal routines that a student must develop in that age group.

Often teachers express that despite several support and schemes and ideas they come up with, students do not get ignited.

The reason for this is the passion to do a work does not identify purpose behind and clarity in the process. They do not understand whether the result will be appreciated, or the process will be acknowledged. These ambiguities seldom create the sustenance in achieving the task among students. The motivational words that a teacher delivers during the beginning of any learning process creates a spark in the initial stages and fails to sustain as a students’ do not have clarity,autonomy and purpose.

At schools, the main task and goal for us as educators is to keep any child stay on task and take the task to completion.

Most often a student or a child at school is exposed to numerous activities through formal lessons or informal methods. This is done solely with an attitude to watch out if any of these might provoke inquiry and students once engaged, they get self-motivated to hang on to such experiences and navigate them self.

At times it is a fact that with a little push the task becomes habitual and from certain point of habitual practices, the task is taken as self-goal by the students.

Here are the cues which as educators we must not overlook, rather look out for these if you want your task as teacher to get enjoyable

How to convert most of the situations into an Intrinsically motivated experience

Whenever a child asks, what is this? Here starts intrinsic motivation to know the world around them.

Look out for all these signs in them from where an autonomy and purpose behind learning ignites.

What is happening?

When do I complete this?

How do I work on this?

Can I do this at home?

Should I complete this fully today?

Can I do this worksheet tomorrow?

I am going out today Can I submit my work later.

Why should I do this?

Some time students use Question words and at times they tell us the problem they might face while doing an activity.

“I can’t fill water or water this plant, I have cough!”

Instead of saying, “it’s okay you can still do”, give them an option if the same investigation or activity can be done in another medium

“It’s hot I don’t want to go out in sun to see the sky!” Don’t shun the reply, instead give couple of more option, probably this can be done even in evening Sun

Any such statements are always interpreted as lack of motivation, what I sensed out of my experience, If we give them an alternative or try to understand the obstacle for a moment, students don’t lose hope, they start travelling through the learning  the way we expected them to.

Any work assigned to them as home assignments or observation that requires stamina to focus students may initially avoid as there are many activities in their life that doesn’t require hardest job called thinking.

I feel differentiation in tasks comes in to rescue for us. When differentiation in procedure is employed there is still more scope for Intrinsic motivation to play a role than extrinsic.

Secondly, hearing out to their obstacles and giving an alternate will also convert many of the extrinsic motivation in to intrinsic.

With a growth mindset and positive attitude invest your time as educator in converting all extrinsic motivation into Intrinsically driven assignment by just being open to alterations in activity and process.

Once a student gets to know that there is not one-yard stick to measure their success of achievement to a large extent they find a purpose to self-involve. Once a student gets involved you will be amazed at the result, for it will be much better than your success criteria.Now let’s look at the flip side of Students are just not aligned to learning topic or they dodge.

Yes, this also happens.

A teacher gets burnout thinking of all the measures how to get her student do this!

External motivation like extra book from library, favorite food allowance for lunch, extra out-door play, no home work for a week, lunch with buddy, star on the note book, appreciation note in note book or telling the parent about the completion et al could be some common practices among teachers.

Out of my experience these should be employed for task that involves lower order activities as this may pass away as yet another experience for the student.

Whenever it is going to involve student’s  conceptual testing or practices it is always better to look for appropriate cues from them and try our best in opting for differentiation in tasks, help them understand the purpose and bring out the autonomy. For education is for life and it is not a passing/dodging phase.

In case, there is basic problem that most of the students are unable to stay focused on a topic or activity then, school leaders must involve and ensure any outdated topics or above the age level contents are scrapped out.

It is not always the motivation factor that has to be counted on, it is also the age relevant study material, topic, teaching methods that come in to play largely than the student ability.

It is important that educators and leaders in education are also sensible to provide such learning inside classrooms  and avoid rigidity in teaching learning process by following some routines for  decades together!

Let us not forget Students need support of their teachers, they look up to us for numerous things in their schooling years.

Motivation is a feel, it is  experienced through senses, it is a qualitative concept, it differs based on personality, the background and age relevant experiences

Change – change in attitude,change in procedure,change in teaching methods,change in our outlook of students,change in the way a student looks at a situation.

Instill the Change that leads to Motivation.

Embrace an introvert friendly learning space

We are currently in an ecosystem where there is continuous effort being taken at home front as well as in  schools to promote and nurture the benefits of team work and collaboration. These are being addressed with earnest thoughts to promote the surrounding and to enable methods that would facilitate the ‘shy’ student and the ‘bold’ to work together as a team.

Possibility of revolutionary ideas that might spark when multiple brains of two extremes work in collaboration. The best of innovative thoughts as an outcome of such practices in given works space or at schools.

Terms like Cooperative learning and Collaborative work has taken over the vocabulary ‘group work’ at Schools.

Methodically, to involve students in to a practice of co-existing with team members has found its place in recent decades. With all the efforts being taken towards bringing out the cumulative efforts to emerge and make every one part of success and accomplishment, the chances that of the lot, few may remain less attracted towards these group achievements.

A cluster of students in every class who may not find satisfaction internally in the group’s success. A handful of students who may observe, focus and progress but might not want to project it.


The same variety might not find engagement in group work or collaboration as their desired style over working independently.

These introverts are often times unnoticed, invariably, as louder and bolder group tends to sweep the attention in a typical class environment.

There has been a guaranteed applaud and claps to the extrovert children as against the introverts.

An effort is required in a planned way to recognize and appreciate the introverts.


In this fast paced world, at schools, at work space and at homes are we there yet to have recognized them?

Have we identified and acknowledged them for what they are and in the manner they portray themselves in crowd?

Do we label them as shy and brush aside their true colours and efficacy?

As a teacher, personally, I have come across resistance to group work arising out of a cluster of students. I have encountered issues out of group work as one tends to dominate the rest.

I have observed that the whispers from a child is actually the utterance of good observations and answers to the queries posed during discussions.

Some parents mentioning in personal meetings about the nature and the preference of their child on any given day being inclined towards independent working.

It is a practical situation found everywhere and it is ideal and fair to accept that in any given space there are extroverts and introverts existing.

We need to make them co-exist  without their identity and preferred style of learning being unaltered.

It is also fair as educators, we accept and cultivate an atmosphere, one that would unconditionally accept introverts as a significant part of growth as much as extroverts do by being out going and expressive.

How do we embrace an introvert friendly atmosphere?


  • An effective classroom management practice that assures every child is heard
  • A practice of quiet reading hour as a cultivated habit in classrooms
  • A conscious effort in lessons plans to include independent reading/working that ensures quiet child being noticed and acknowledged
  • An appreciation of work in coherence and yet in silence
  • An observation of non-verbal communication days at school that would also expose the extroverts to yet another way of communicating besides being outgoing and expressive always!
  • A well laid success criteria of group work that facilitates participation of introverts
  • A practice of giving slips of paper to those few in class who may be good at putting down in writing than verbally saying it aloud.
  • A chance and a choice MUST be facilitated by the teacher in class as a conscious practice.blogpic4


  • A teacher to refrain from defining what kind of student is successful in class. E.g . ‘If you raise hand and answer then you get a star else not!’.. Kind of remarks to be avoided

We need to remember introverts may not want to gain attention but still they        have a valid point to contribute.

  • Do not thrust the idea that only by being social he/she is accepted in society or in school. This may put them off forever. And, we are at loss of that significant portion an introvert may contribute towards wellness of humanity.

Any  teacher, at the sight of the children in class and within a few minutes of interaction can easily get an idea of the mix and the nature of students in class.


An introspection of the self and the known around , in our own work space and in the family, will elucidate the fact that the World has space for all kinds.

It’s time we embrace the varieties consciously and whole heartedly and exploit the potential of ‘Introverts’ too!




Do watch this Ted talk by Susan Cain to have more insight in to this topic of my blog.



From a blogger to author…

To dear friends,colleague and blog followers,

We always owe our knowledge gain to those who differed us. We also owe our knowledge gain to those who do not share all of it but just ignite us to seek it.

I take this opportunity to thank you all, for you have been an inspiration to me as well in this journey of writing.Writing has given me so much of pleasure.

The feedback and comments that I get from all of you has always been a pleasure to read.It gives me an inner satisfaction that ideas and thoughts are being spread and people take it up for conversation to build on their perspective as well.

This is how knowledge should be shared,talked about, points and suggestions should be reviewed up on and refined.

In vain have you acquired knowledge if you have not imparted it to others. —Deuteronomy Rabbah

Unless one takes that small step of sharing their ideas and thoughts ,seldom there is space for healthy discussions and refinement.

In one such attempt I have published my first book that is entirely dedicated to teaching community ,parents and institutions who play a pivotal role in a life of child in schooling years.

Being A 21st Century Educator  is the title of my book.

With the earnest thought of sharing the knowledge with which I started off this blog writing, I have published this first book too. this world.

Please find the book on online stores.Use the following links

a) https://notionpress.com/read/being-a-21st-educator

b) https://www.amazon.in/Being-Century-Educator-Sudha-Mahesh/dp/1642490288/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1516856183&sr=8-5&keywords=sudha+mahesh


Hope you will like my book.Do share your thoughts about the book,just the way you did for my articles on blog.


The Space In Classrooms,Not The Physical But The Cognitive

Few days back I was wondering and pondering over a thought on ‘creativity and prior knowledge’.I had posed this question to my fellow people,”Prior Knowledge –Does it rule creativity?”.Today I am sharing with my readers on what I have perceived as zone for originality and how it can be nourished by us as educators.

‘Think Out of the box’-The moment a teacher tells this to the learner, somewhere unknowingly it subdues the child’s risk taking factor in thought process.By defining a boundary called  ‘box’ and then thrusting saying ‘to go out of the box’ there is ambiguity as to where to start and what is acceptable!

Why define a boundary in first place? Creating an imaginary boundary that cannot be internalized and on top of  that provoking them to move out of it!

There isn’t any box. It’s all “in there or out there”. Any reply that has never been told by others in a group or in a classroom. An answer that never came out so far, a word being replaced by its synonym,an illustration that has something different from others OR any two pictures that are not same…Doesn’t it mean creativity has surfaced? An expression that says a lot more than words…Won’t we accept them as creativity?

As teachers we have always learnt pedagogical approaches that are proven to establish sound connections and lays foundation for knowledge gained. It is indeed essential. Does it stop there? In case it does, then the child is definitely ‘successful’ at the end of formal education obtained, but seldom turns himself or herself in to a decision maker later in life. It is apparent because throughout out the formal education time he/she has always perceived something out of what existed already and what will happen next lies in the predictable  horizon. At times during academic sessions of Science or performing Arts, the inherent quality of not being rationale, emerges out but again in a safe zone of predictability.

We raise our chin saying we are always rationale. Being rationale means building our own ideas based on what we observe /heard previously and to create our own perceptions about something. Being rationale falls in safe zone. No one can point out our errors. That’s because it has foundation.

What is more difficult is to prove something that has no foundation. And to develop that sense in learner, it needs practice for the mind, an urge and spontaneity to overlook prior knowledge sense and yet define the unknown.

Image result for images of creative child

This ability to create and nurture the same to certain/marginal extent lies in our hands as an educator.

It is extremely crucial for educators to “Exploit the learner Potential” as I would term it to be. It is known that as educators we find that fear of failure is reduced or never exist in the young minds. So why not exploit their potential then, Rather than cribbing about learner not being creative enough in later years!

To avoid this I personally feel educators at class room level should avoid defining or proclaiming… ‘The correct answer is’. During last week, post my experience in setting assessment paper and answer key to that, I was sharing my views to one of my colleague on answer keys created.

I realized off-late, the vast and expanded our answer keys are prepared, we are practicing being a risk-taker and in turn it would reflect in the mind set of learners we handle.

As teachers we always believe that any reply that is given by or told by learners has had a thinking process and it reflects later. So unless we take the initiative to figure that process behind every reply we are unknowingly curbing creativity.

Coming to prior knowledge’s role in grooming creativity…it is purely in the hands of teacher who handles to transform and translate the prior knowledge as a base for creativity. It doesn’t have to be a clean canvas for new painting to be created. The existing painting can be modified or redesigned too.

It is not that easy to connect abstract ideas and henceforth develop new ideas.It becomes imperative to support the foundation with some amount of knowledge. We need to be conscious that we limit it to an extent and thereafter proceed the further sessions towards instilling problem solving skills and critical thinking  ability.

Of course, an airplane came in to existence looking at the flight of bird.

Can we deny that? Don’t we enjoy remixes of popular tunes? 

As teacher we need inputs, training and exposure on “Questioning Skills” practiced in class room to make our classroom transaction more enriched.

Check out my previous article on ‘Questioning skills’ that enhances academic sessions.Questioning, A skill to acquire

Please find below few more ways to kindle diversified replies from the learners.

Keep them ignited.

I always believe in the quote, “I have not failed 10,000 times but found 10,000 ways it won’t work”-Einstein

  Using Precise Terminology to Encourage Thinking

Instead of Saying: Say:
‘Let’s look at these two pictures.’ ‘Let’s compare the two pictures’
‘What do you think will happen when …’ ‘What do you predict will happen when …’
‘What do you think of this story?’ ‘What conclusions can you draw about this story?’
‘How can you explain …?’ ‘What evidence do you have to support …?’
‘Let’s work this problem.’ ‘Let’s analyze this problem.’

Adapted from: Costa & Marzano (1987)

Courtesy: http://iteslj.org

Encouraging Learners to Think About Thinking

When Learners Say Teachers Say:
‘The verdict is, guilty as charged.’ ‘Describe the steps you took to arrive at that answer.’
‘I don’t know how to solve this question.’ ‘What can you do to get started?’
‘I am ready to begin.’ ‘Describe your plan of action.’
‘I like the large one the best.’ ‘What criteria are you using to make your choice?’
‘I am finished.’ ‘How do you know you’re correct?’

Adapted from: Costa & Marzano (1987)

Please find below a link from ted.com.It’s need of the hour in education system across the globe.The speaker shares what lies in future and why  there is a necessity to change the entire outlook of public education.